The luxurious Life of the Tropics

The luxurious Life of the Tropics

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Eating Healthy Leads to a Healthy Skin

Let’s face it – everyone wants to have a perfect skin! However, not everyone knows how to achieve it. Discover how eating healthy leads to a healthy skin and what kind of food you should consume if you want to have a perfect skin! 
Vitamins and Nutrients are Vital for Healthy Skin 
There are lots of important vitamins one may consume for a healthy skin. As a matter of fact, all of the vitamins and nutrients our body needs are essential for our skin’s health as well. Any nutritional deficiently can have a negative impact our skin’s appearance and can also negatively affect the health of our body. 
There are types of food that are bad for the health of our skin. Simple carbohydrates such as white sugar, white bread, polished rice, and etc. cause wrinkles and acnes. They also contribute to Glycation, a process that causes cellular aging. 
Many people are unaware of the damages certain types of food can make. So, in addition, we will present you a list of foods you should eat in order to have soft, glowing, and healthy skin. 
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Food for Healthy Skin – Food You Should Consumer 
  • Avocados – Avocados contain healthy fats and are delicious to eat. Besides, they are an excellent natural emollient. They contain vitamin E and C and are perfect for dry skin. 
  • Berries – As you probably know there are many types of berries such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, and etc. All types of berries are good for our skin. They protect the skin cells from radical damage and increase the production of collagen in our body. Berries contain vitamin C and E. 
  • Brazil Nuts – Brazil nuts contain selenium which is a mineral that helps to prevent free radical damage and infection. Brazil nuts also increase the production of elastin and collagen, proteins responsible for the figure and structure of our body. They contain antioxidants vitamins A and E. 
  • Carrots – Carrots are the source of beta-carotene that our body converts to vitamin A. Besides vitamin A the contain vitamin C which is another antioxidant that prevents premature aging. Carrots help our skin to produce collagen. 
  • Dairy Produce – The dairy products are known as a direct source of vitamin A which automatically makes them essential for good skin health. By consuming sufficient quantities of the dairy products you will nourish your body in the most natural way. 
  • Grapes – Grapes are known as heart healthy fruit and they also lower the risk of stroke. Besides, grapes are skin-healthy food as well. They contain antioxidants that prevent wrinkles. Grapes are also rich in oil that softens the skin. As a matter of fact, almost all skin care products today contain grapes. 
  • Green Tea – Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties and it helps in fighting skin cancer caused by sun exposure. Green tea has a solid quantity of vitamins and minerals and it is full of antioxidants. 
  • Salmon – Salmon and oily fish, with their high fatty acids content, are vital foods for a healthy skin. Salmon also contains selenium, which is a mineral that improves total skin health and solves various skin problems. 
  • Seeds – The sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E. The antioxidant power the vitamin E has combined with the fatty acids help in slowing down the process of skin aging. Fatty acids also keep the skin smooth and soft. Whole grains are high in vitamin B which nourish the skin. It also helps cells to develop and grow and replace the cells that have died. Vitamin B also helps in preventing dry and rough skin. 
  • Water – Believe it or not, water is probably one of the most important elements for healthy skin. Every organ in our body needs water and the skin is not an exception. Water is considered to the best protection against an oily, drying, and dry skin. It is very obvious as water is also one of the best moisturizers. Besides, it removes the toxins out of the body and makes the skin softer, younger, and clearer. 
A Final Word 
To sum it up, eating healthy is important if you want to have a healthy skin. By consuming a diet high in vitamins and high oxidants you are helping your skin cells from oxidizing which prevents acnes, wrinkles, and aging. 
There are different types of food you may consume and provide your skin with the vitamins and nutrients it needs in order to age more gracefully. 
Consider our list of foods and watch your skin glow!

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