The luxurious Life of the Tropics

The luxurious Life of the Tropics

Friday, August 4, 2017

Beauty Basic / Skin Care: Evening Routine

Beauty routine
The amount of time and resources people spend on rejuvenating their skin is worth commendation. And honestly, I am impressed that not only the woman folks are in the game of skin maintenance these days, men too are waking up to it, kudos! I feel to encourage more people, especially women to take a deeper interest in caring for their skin; there is the need for more information and simpler method of achieving youthful and supple skin for everyone. That exactly is the purpose of this article.
Why regular skincare is essential?
People wear clothes, and indeed beautiful clothes because of the need to appear attractive and acceptable socially. Likewise, our skin is what people see first when dealing with us. It’s what bring people closer or drive them away in social places. Just like an antenna, the skin is what determines the programs we receive in our interaction with other people. So, when people look at your face, what do they see inside of you?
The reason I write this article is to talk to you about your skin and not just talking but to teach you the steps and methods you can use to make your skin shine more and radiate handsomely every moment of your day. We shall be looking at tips, simple tips to make your skin look like that of the little baby again.
pure tropic skin care
The basics in skin rejuvenation
I will be discussing five tips I know are essential in building great skin. When you dutifully go through the five tips I will be talking about; I bet your skin should take a new life and give you the amazing, beautiful look you have always wanted. The price to pay on your part is to pay attention and do as I advise. Doing, I mean taking action is the most potent secret to achieving remarkable success in everything you do including changing the look and feel of your skin. So let’s go there.
A warning!
Who has dry skin helped? I don’t know anyone with dry skin that feels good about it. Whatever you do in your skin care routine, you must avoid anything that will make your skin dry. And the chief culprit in a dry skin is alcohol and paraffin. Please avoid them like the plague and one way to do that is watch out for them in any skin product before using them. The second warning I want to talk about is never to stop drinking water. Water helps to keep your skin hydrated and supports every other skincare and health products you use. Drinking enough water every day is a way to live on the side of quality health, please don’t forget that.
Now, let’s get going:
Number one step: Cleanse your skin
Cleansing your skin is the foundation of all the good things you are bringing to your skin. You know that a good foundation will take on anything without causing undesirable effect on the superstructure. So, think of the cleanse process as the most important part of your skincare routine. I rate cleanse high in the importance table because it will give every other thing you do the quality they bring. With a well-cleansed skin, all the essential ingredients and benefits other products you will be using will penetrate your skin well and perform wonders.
honey oil cleanser
Make sure the cleansing product you are using is useful especially if you are like me that wear lots of makeup. I recommend using cleansing oil instead of soap or any other product. The oil melts away your makeup and dirt and nourishes your skin. One product I want to recommend is Purifying Honey Oil Cleanser from by Pure Tropix. This is an organic product, and it’s so efficient that you won’t need a second cleaning before removing the entire make up to the depth of their foundation. With this cleansing oil, no need worrying about damage to your skin or get irritated after use. Please discard all your synthetic cleansing oil if you use one and give the Tropix solution a try.
Number two-step: Treat your skin
The skin treatment process helps to give your skin the balance it needs to survive the hard weather out there. It contributes to detox your skin against impurities and calms it from inflammation and other irritants. You don’t need chemical to do this for you because skin treat after cleansing is the finisher needed to keep disturbing radicals at bay from your skin. I will recommend an awesome product, it is natural 100% organic and brings immense benefits, and the product is Jungle Clay Mask from Pure Tropix. You need this skin treat to give your skin the lift it deserves. When you use Jungle Clay Mask, it brings out all the impurities from your skin to the surface. The next time you cleanse, you can cleanse your face of all the impurities leaving only clear pores for more air penetration, and lovely skin feel.
pure tropic jungle clay mask
Number three: Tone your skin
Now listen well! When I talk about toning your skin, I mean toning and not pure alcohol on it. Be careful of most skin toners out there as the majority of them come with an alcohol base. You don’t want to use alcohol on your face because it will dehydrate it and it will soon go flaky. Get natural/organic toner that gives your skin the quality it deserves; that is what you need anyway so go for Green Ginger Toner from Pure Tropix. 
The product contains essential vitamins and herbal extracts as well as antioxidants that protect your skin all day long rather than pose a threat to your skin. Use this skin toner before applying your moisturizer every day to give you the quality skin you have ever wanted.
Number four step: Nourish, Nourish, and nourish your skin
Following toning, your skin is to nourish it with quality organic skin nourish product. You need to be careful of what you buy when it comes to your skin. Alcohol and chemical based product are out there waiting to deal a damaging blow on your skin. Please avoid them every way you can for the sake of your beautiful skin. I am particular about avoiding alcohol and chemical based product because I know the depth of the damage they can do. While they are cheap products, I bet you will spend so much trying to repair the damage they cause without getting a thank you in return. Sadly, some skins never recover till eternity. Get an organic serum and use on your face.
honey cleanser
Number five-step: Moisturize your skin
Again, the skin moisturizer I will recommend is one that is wholly organic and produced by an organic based company whose every product is natural. Pure Tropix you may want to learn more about them to see what I am saying is all natural herbal product believer and promoter. Go for Exotic Face Moisturizer from Pure Tropix for your skin moisturizing. Organic moisturizer hydrates your skin all day long and gives it the nutrient and health it deserves. Exotic Face Moisturizer contains Vitamin C Esters to boost your luminosity and improve your skin collagen. It also comes with Vitamins A, B5 & E and other cool nutrients to give your skin the lift it deserves for optimum radiance.
vogue pure tropic
For a parting gift, let me share an excellent product from Pure Tropix with you. If you are concerned about the cost for those like me who are always on a budget, I want to recommend Tropical Facial Kit. It’s a combination of three steps skin care application to cleanse, tone and hydrate. You will find this product handy and affordable. 
Alright, let me leave you to go try out what we have talked about in this article. See you with great testimony soon. Have fun and stay beautiful.

Skincare Routine for Teens

 If you are a teen that wants to start taking care of your skin (and particularly your face) then you need the right habits and the right routine. A skincare routine for teenagers involves proper moisturizing, deep pore cleansing, and a SPF 15 lotion for preventing early ageing of the skin. This routine, while it might seem complicated, does not require a lot of time and neither will it affect your pocket money by a lot. In fact, most parents will be happy to provide all of these necessary skincare products for you.
Rules for skincare:
  • Don’t pop pimples, even if you have your fingers dressed in gauze because there is a risk of pushing infected materials into your skin. pure tropix acne

  • Always choose products which are noncomedogenic and never wake makeup to bed.
make up to stop acne

  • Don’t wear tight clothes – allow your skin to breathe otherwise it may cause irritation or even lead to body acne. 
  • Don’t touch your face unnecessarily because this can spread bacteria which can cause your skin pores to become irritated or inflamed. 
  • Do not leave your house without applying a minimum-level SPF lotion on your body. 
Here is a skincare routine that is recommended for teenagers that are looking to keep their skin glowing and young:
  1. Facial cleansers: The first thing that you need to do is to ditch your bar soap and use a high-quality facial cleanser that is appropriate to your type of skin. For most teens, a gel-based facial cleanser is recommended since it takes care of visible pores and acne bursts. Gently massage the cleanser on your face in circular motion but remember, never scrub it. Use products that contain Salicylic Acid, retinoids, or compounds that contain Vitamin A. 
pure tropix Purifying cleanser

  1. Facial scrubs:After the cleansing is done, it is time to remove dead sin from your face that can be done with the help of a scrub. A facial scrub will help you unclog pores, prevent shine, and take care of acne problems for good. If you are looking for natural products then yogurt, honey, and oat make an excellent facial scrub. 

  1. Moisturizers and SPF lotions: The last and most important part of your skincare routine is to apply moisturizers and a SPF lotion (every time you leave for home). Do not think that having an oily skin exempts you from using a moisturizer. For teens, we recommend an oil-free, light moisturizer that is most appropriate to your skin type. 
pure tropix exotic face moisturizer

Taking care of your skin can be a tough task, especially if you are a teenager that is unaware of all the problems that can occur with the skin. For this reason, we have put together a short guide on what routine you need to take up for ensuring best care of your skin. 

How to Dеаl with Infected Ingrоwn Pubiс Hаir

The entrance оf the bacteria into thе skin thаt hаѕ bееn breached bу thе hаir mаrkѕ thе ѕtаrt оf the infесtiоn in thе ingrown hаir аt thе hаir fоlliсlе.
Fоrmаtiоn of a рuѕ-fillеd рuѕtulе, itсhing, ѕwеlling аnd pain in аnd around thе аffесtеd area аrе tеlltаlе ѕignѕ оf аn infесtеd ingrоwn рubiс hаir. The рuѕtulе formed looks like a big red blister. Suсh an infесtiоn саn рrеѕеnt symptoms thаt are ѕimilаr tо thаt оf sexually trаnѕmittеd diѕеаѕеѕ likе hеrреѕ оr оthеr conditions like a рimрlе оr аn inflamed glаnd.
Yоu саn uѕе a ѕimрlе hоmе rеmеdу fоr treating infected ingrown рubiс hаir. Diѕinfесt thе аrеа by applying аlсоhоl tо thе ingrоwn hair or pustule.
Nоw соvеr thе tор of thе infected аrеа with a warm wаѕhсlоth. Keep оn соvеring thе аrеа with thе wаrm washcloth until the ingrоwn hаir rеѕurfасеѕ.
Uѕing twееzеrѕ, rеmоvе thе hаir оnсе it iѕ соmрlеtеlу аbоvе thе skin ѕurfасе (if this seems tоо diffiсult оr hurtѕ too muсh, dоn’t tweeze it!). Follow thiѕ up bу applying a topical аntibiоtiс сrеаm. Kеер оn аррlуing thе cream for few dауѕ to thе same аrеа. Viѕit a dосtоr immediately if the infесtiоn persists.
Don’t ѕhаvе or mаkе uѕе оf twееzеrѕ or wаxing fоr removing thе hаir from thе root if it becomes сlеаr tо you thаt thе infесtiоn in the аrеа iѕ vеrу ѕеriоuѕ. You wоuld end uр spreading thе bасtеriа аnd aggravating your problem if уоu employ аnу оf thеѕе mеthоdѕ for rеmоving thе hаir. If you wаnt tо ѕоlvе your problem thrоugh nаturаl mеаnѕ thеn it iѕ bеѕt to аррlу ѕоmе tеа tree oil tо the аrеа. Thе аntiѕерtiс, аnti-bасtеriаl аnd аnti-inflаmmаtоrу рrореrtiеѕ of the tеа trее оil will hеlр you in rеduсing the rеdnеѕѕ, swelling and fighting thе bacteria.

Top Foods to Eat for Healthy Skin

Acne is an endurance tester! No matter how enduring you want to be with acne to pack its baggage and leave your beautiful skin, it won’t budge until you give it a stern, no mercy fight back to leave your body. The more disturbing thing about acne is the finance to face it with the so expensive solutions that most times you only have to pray to be effective.
If you are looking for effective, yet affordable skin care solution for acne prone skin, this article will make you achieve what you want. Below are two parts best acne home remedies to rid of your skin’s stubborn acne fast and never to come back, it’s guaranteed! The first part presents tips to give your skin the foundation for optimum health while the second part discusses DIY solutions using healthy organic ingredients to give you a natural skin care solution for all year round skin health.

Tips for optimum skin care health to ward off acne fast

1.    Water
I am not joking; water is the most amazing medicine nature has given us for free. If you know how to use water for your health, you will thank the day you decided to go 100% on water therapy for your skin health. It does not matter the type of skin you have; whether dry or oily skin, water does an excellent pore cleansing job by hydrating your skin and helping to push out toxins that have turned your skin into a comfortable apartment to spend their lives.
Pure Tropix hack to Healthy skin
If you want to use water as a solution for your acne, you will need to program yourself to make drinking water a regular habit. Put aside the soda and go for water. Spend the right amount of time bathing and while you exercise, make sure to drink water as often as possible.
When you stay with water in through drinking and bathing, it helps to hydrate your skin and remove creasing and make your skin pores cleaned. The result is a glowing, youthful skin to bring out your natural beauty.
2.    Remove makeup before your skin routine
If you do it, I am sure you know that no two skin routine is the same, but it is essential that you do it at night or in the morning. Before you start at all, make sure to remove your makeup and free your skin of the burden of makeup. You want to make sure to properly remove your makeup with the right removing material to free your skin properly.
You need makeup removing products that can go deep into your skin to cleanse the pores of dirt. You will come across many products, but always be wary of chemical based makeup removal as the side effects are more dangerous than the job of removing makeup that you got them to do.
You can try Tropical Facial Kit from Pure Tropix for more efficient makeup removal and get your skin, ready for the real pampering to ward off acne on your delicate skin. Being able to cleanse your skin without dirt hiding in the pores is a way to have a healthy, acne free skin.
Another facial cleanser is essential to give your face the lift it deserves to stay oil free and prevent acne. Facial scrub from Pure Tropix provides an excellent solution to skin problems if you know how to make that happen. Of course, there is no magic to it other than following the instruction on how to use and apply is to your skin as and when due.
3.    Pamper your skin
You need a professional touch on your delicate skin once in a while. Skin pampering is not an everyday affair, but you can do this twice, thrice or four times in a year according to your pocket and time. Professional skin therapist understands the important things to do on your skin to keep it glowing and always in health.
Puretropix hacks to healthy skin
DIY solutions using healthy organic ingredients to give you a natural look
Very close to you are materials from nature to ensure your skin is healthy all year round if only you could take the time to learn and use them. Every society has them in abundant, and you don’t lack them either. The only problem is information and the time to get up and make use of them. In this article, we will look some home skin remedies you can try with amazing results. Get ready for a fun ride!
1.    Honey
Honey is natural and provides you with its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic power to keep your skin in optimum health and save them from marauding skin diseases. Honey can do so much for your skin because of its exfoliation and skin repairing benefits. Thus, honey is an active facial treatment ingredient that will keep your skin looking glowing and healthy always.
Honey combines with the right ingredients become so beneficial for your skin that you will wonder what magical spell you cast on your skin that makes it look so supple and pleasant. The trouble with many people who knew about the wonders of honey that they don’t use it is the lack of knowledge of other ingredients to bring together. I agree with them because the best natural ingredient can become a lethal product when combined with the wrong but equally harmless ingredient.
But I have good news for you about honey as Pure Tropix Purifying Honey Oil cleanser is a product you don’t want to joke with when it comes to making your skin come alive and defy acne forever! The product combines with the right ingredient to bring you high-quality skincare solution for acne treatment and eradication.
2.    Papaya
You eat this sometimes don’t you? Yes, it’s a great fruit for its succulent and water flavor as well as its great nutrients and vitamins so useful for the body and skin. It is gratifying to note that papaya contains protein dissolving properties that are a superb exfoliation agent on the skin. It helps to break down the skin surface to remove dead cells and rejuvenates cell growth.
If your challenge is how to turn your favorite pawpaw food into skin care products, I have a product from Pure Tropix I can recommend that contains papaya extract and it works wonders when applied to the skin. Like papaya would deal with acne and keeps your skin hydrated all day long, you will get the same effect from Pure Tropix Jungle Clay Mask, the product that contains papaya extract.
Jungle Clay Mask also includes other skin beneficial and active ingredients that protect your skin from different types of weather exposure to give you luminous and refreshed toned skin.
3.    Coconut oil
Coconut contains potent antimicrobial and antibacterial agents. They are two ingredients that are awesomely beneficial for the skin; they are Capric Acid and Lauric Acid. These two acids are what the breast milk contains that makes it so powerful infection prevention agent in suckling babies. It also contains vitamin E that is an anti-inflammation agent that prevents the inflammation of the skin by balancing the sebum glands and prevents skin irritation. The effect of coconut oil on the skin makes it perfect solution for acne and warm the skin up for healthy living.
To achieve a more potent feat, Pure Tropix brought coconut oil together with like minds ingredients to create all natural products for the skin. The Jamaican Gold Extreme Body Butter does a perfect, yeoman’s job to keep your skin in optimum health safe from acne infection.
Keeping your skin healthy and free of acne isn’t a wishful thinking; you need to take action with the knowledge to maintain acne off your skin. The above solutions are essential elements to give you a healthy, glowing and supple skin free of acne and other acne side effects.

Top Ways To Exfoliate Your Skin!!

exfoliate at home
No matter how many moisturizers or masks you use on your face, if your skin is not cleansed properly, all these beauty products will have no effect on it. Without proper cleansing, the pores of the skin get clogged up with dead cells and a layer of dirt causing acne and many other skin issues. In order to keep the skin looking fresh for years to come, you need to exfoliate it on a regular basis. Cleansing is important too but exfoliation has its own benefits which coupled with gentle cleansing can have long lasting effects on the skin. There are many ways to exfoliate the skin, and three of them have been discussed below.
 1. Exfoliate With DIY Products
 If you are in no mood of emptying your wallet to buy some expensive products off the counter, then do not let it worry you. By using some simple ingredients found at your home, you can create your own products.
If you have dry skin, then prepare a scrub using two parts of ground oatmeal with one-part salt and one-part water or oil. For people with oily skin, it is suggested to avoid oil and stick to water. Rub the face with this scrub and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
Another option is to use your favorite kind of oil and mx it with some sugar. Gently massage it on your face before washing it off. This method is not suitable for people with oily skins, though.

2. Exfoliate Using Dry Brush
This method is helpful for not only the face but whole body. Take a dry brush and use it to scrub your face, feet, heels, hands and any other part of the body. Make sure to keep the movements of the brush such that it swipes up towards theheart and is slow in its strokes. In a matter of just 3 to 4 minutes, you will be left with a cleaner skin.
 3. Exfoliate Like A Pro At Home
Prepare a scrub that suits your skin tone. Towel dry the face after washing it with lukewarm water. Cleanse and massage the skin by mixing equal parts of baking soda and cleanser. You can also mix in some oil if you have dry skin. Massage gently for 10 minutes before washing it off. Follow it with a scrub and massage it into the skin as well.
Exfoliation is important if you want a healthy glowing skin.  Make it a part of beauty regime on a regular basis for better results. So how do you like to exfoliate your face? Let us know in the comments below.

How to Get A Flawless Skin Naturally at Home | Skin Care Tips & Remedies

how to get flawless skin naturally
Possessing a clear and a flawless skin seems to be the dream of every individual. Often we ask our dermatologists how to get a flawless and glowing complexion and invest in thousands of dollars getting it. There are different types of skin with varying problems associated with them. If you have a look around your kitchen, you will perhaps get the answer to all your skin troubles and thereby work towards getting a perfectly glowing and nourished skin.
Let us have a look at some of the natural ingredients that can help us with a regular skin care routine for the flawless complexion.
pure tropix salt scrubUsing sugar as an exfoliator
Sugar is an excellent natural exfoliator. All you need to do is mix sugar and water and make a paste out of it. Apply it on your skin and gently rub it on your skin for three to four minutes. Use lukewarm water to wash your face. You will be surprised to find the dead skin cells eliminated and your skin glowing and appearing youthful.
Using a raw potato as a natural bleach
The majority of the people are unaware that raw potatoes can act as an excellent natural bleach. When you apply the juice of the potato, it helps in eliminating the scars and pigmentation of the skin, giving a natural glow and a radiant complexion. Moreover, it also helps to cure sun burns and tans.
aloe for skin careAloe Vera for reducing scars
Aloe Vera has been used as a magical skin product since the ancient times. It is known to provide you with a flawless skin, eliminating the dark spots and blemishes that your skin might be suffering from. It is best to use the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves at home. You can also get a bottle from the shops, but make sure that it is an authentic product.
Lemon juice as a natural lightening agent
The acidic properties of the lemon juice make it an amazing natural bleach. Apart from applying the lemon juice, you can also rub the lemon peels on your skin. Leave it for at least 10 minutes before you wash it away with a lukewarm water. You can witness not only a brightening skin tone, but you also enjoy a soft, glowing and spotless skin.
Applying a DIY mask made of oatmeal, curd and tomato juice
Make a paste using tomato juice, curd and oatmeal. Apply the mixture on your face for around 15 to 20 minutes and let it dry. Wash it with cold water and repeat the process on a regular basis. You will soon find a difference in your skin tone, making it glowing, spotless and well nourished.
Honey for a glowing skin
Honey has been known to offer several benefits to the human body as a whole. Applying honey on your face mixed with cinnamon powder can render you with a flawless skin that you have been desiring for so long. Apply the paste on your face for around 20 minutes and clean it with cold water. Believe it or not, your skin will start glowing after a few days of application.
Papaya for the perfect skin
If you massage your facial skin with the pulp of papaya once in every seven days, you are bound to get a spotless complexion. Papaya is considered as one of the best natural home remedies for getting a flawless skin.
Massaging with raw milk
Raw milk is known to eliminate tans from your face and give it a refreshing glow. It is recommended to massage your face with raw milk in the upward direction for around 10 minutes and leave it to dry. Wash it off with cold water and repeat the process regularly.
With the help of the above mentioned natural ingredients, you can get a glowing and flawless skin without burning holes in your pocket.